Protejat: Subiect de teză de doctorat inter – pluri și transdisciplanar. Congresul Internațional „Pregătim viitorul promovând excelența”, 27 februarie – 1 martie 2020, Iași (România). Matematici Aplicate în Ştiințe Sociale (MASS – Secția Socio – Judiciară). Revizuirea condamnărilor penale în cadrul Justiției franceze, bazată pe teorema de completitudine a lui Gödel, teoria sistemelor complexe, teoria abstractă a categoriilor, teoria grafurilor, topologia rețelelor și cercetarea operațională (An analysis of judicial errors in the French judiciary system using Gödel’s completeness theorem, complex systems theory, category theory, graph theory, network topology and operational research). Abstract English: „An analysis of judicial errors in the French judiciary system using Gödel’s completeness theorem, complex systems theory, category theory, graph theory, network topology and operational research” The judicial review of criminal sentences in the French judiciary system is a long and complex process governed by law dating back to the 17th century. The Criminal Ordinance of 1670, which was registered by the Parlement of Paris (a high provincial appellate court), came into force in 1671, and allowed the Royal Council to advise the king with respect to all judicial decisions. This Ordinance will later become a Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP). Even though the Ordinance is abrogated in 1789, it was re-enacted in 1800 and consolidated further throughout the 19th century. Following this, the CCP was next modified in 2000 and in 2004. According to articles 149 through 149-4, and article 150 of the CPP, any person who is the subject of unjustified detention has the right to receive “reparations for moral or material prejudice” through the Commission Nationale de réparation des détentions (CNR-a national body dealing with applications for compensation for unjustified detention). This paper presents a detailed classification of judicial errors in France since 1670 throughout history and through present times, and provides an analysis using fundamental mathematical concepts and interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary concepts that can contribute to solving judicial errors and to the establishment of historical truths.
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