Acasă Dezvoltare Personală It’s Not What You Write, It’s How You Write

It’s Not What You Write, It’s How You Write

Probably, like me, you have this window opened among other bits of information flying around on your computer, read in a hurry, and waiting to extract the relevance and move on towards further information. As I told a friend of mine yesterday who’s not in Bucharest and is not online, if you ask a known person online in Bucharest, „how are you?” equals to „I haven’t been reading your blog”, because if you have been reading their blog, you wouldn’t ask such questions. My main issue in blogging (as in „to blog, or not to blog, that is the question”) was how I would be relevant to others. What should I write about? Basically, if you’re not online, you don’t exist. So I prefer to choose evergreen articles, which don’t lose value over time.

Some people don’t know how they should portray themselves online. I just want to tell you, from my experience in trying to impress others with appearances, that it’s not going to work. For example, I have some very rough edges, and I know that, and I’m determined not to hide it because it’s part of the way I express myself. That means you will surely remember me whether you like or don’t like what I’ve got to say. To be memorable is more than to be acceptable. If you don’t understand it, you’re not in my target. It’s as simple as that. I listened to an audio training with an American expert who told me that he’s so glad he was getting tons of hate letters because it meant for him that he defined his target so well that other people felt obviously misrepresented! But, even more, those people consumed their time to actually write letters acknowledging the immense signification it had for them the initiative started by the guy.

I’m not in for shocking; I’m in for positioning. Not from what I Do, but by who I Am. Be your brand. What’s my brand? Analytic Vision. Why analytic? Because I like to investigate and present business, economic, psychological, social, and political aspects and break them down into the relevant elements they hold. I’m in for the small strategic details that make the big difference. Because that’s so obvious to me that it gets out there as one of the first things to get perceived about me.

Why vision? Because I have a lot of ideas. I have been creative and curious since I was little. Maybe some would consider me an idealist, but I’m still young, and it’s my right to feel enthusiastic and believe in values and principles that can make a difference. I made some things happen for the first time…in Romania. You can get a list of this stuff from me here, in the „founder/promoter” section. I like to envision. I want to empower. And I want to put passion into what I’m doing. After trying in high-school to invent stuff (even participating at 2 innovations fairs) and realizing there was no future for it in Romania, I changed the field to business and started to have business visions. But, until now, I don’t dare to put my ideas to work as an entrepreneur; I’ve only had some tryouts. Maybe it won’t work as I expect it, but I prefer at least to be a freelancer rather than an employee. At least for the moment.

The greatest thing about today’s marketing world is that you can always replicate a business idea elsewhere. For a different niche. Or on a larger scale. I have discovered, in time, plenty of examples of local business ideas which, turned into international businesses, could have great success. Some of them did. So, based on my experience and on what I’ve been told by others who know better, it doesn’t matter if you start with other people’s ideas or if you create your own from the beginning. (As long as you don’t infringe somebody’s copyright) Express yourself! I also know a fact for sure, considering my experience and the feedback I’ve got (the last part, especially by publishing personal & professional development articles on a Romanian self-growth website). What I Do Know how to write about is business and how to inspire people. And that’s what I’m gonna do. This is what Analytic Vision is about.

Marcus Victor Grant (consultant și trainer în învățare eficientă-citire rapidă, memorare, concentrare, productivitate, modelare NLP, analist grafolog, critic literar–artistic, WordPress Discerne, Italia), consilier în carieră, Global Career Development Facilitator și cofondator al Asociaţiei Române de Coaching. Copyright © Marcus Victor Grant 2009-present, all rights reserved.  The materials on this blog are subject to this disclaimer.

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