Etichetă: Franța (Le Parisien)
Gifted Education: „Dacă vrei să ne ajuți, ai putea să faci...
Thomas CSINTA, Profesor de matematici aplicate în științe inginerești și social–economice, Director de studii CUFR (Consultanță Universitară Franco–Română) de pe lângă Școlile Superioare Franceze...
The Alphabet – proiecție culturală la Centrul Gifted Education din București
Thomas CSINTA, Profesor de matematici aplicate în științe inginerești și social–economice, Director de studii CUFR (Consultanță Universitară Franco–Română) de pe lângă Școlile Superioare Franceze...
Gifted Education. Gifted Family Camp. Ediția a 3-a, între 25-30 august...
Thomas CSINTA. Profesor de matematici aplicate în științe inginerești și social–economice, Director de studii CUFR (Consultanță Universitară Franco– Română) de pe lângă Școlile Superioare...
Protejat: Migrația internațională (intercontinentală) și consecințele ei dramatice (Corespondență de la...
The OMI (International Organization for Migration) is an intergovernmental organization that provides services and advice concerning migration to governments and migrants, including internally displaced persons, refugees, and migrant workers. In September 2016, IOM became a related organization of the United Nations It was initially established in 1951 as the ICEM (Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration) to help resettle people displaced by World War II. As of March 2019, the OMI has 173 member states and eight observer states and is the principal intergovernmental organization working in the field of migration.
The IOM Constitution gives explicit recognition to the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, and IOM's stated mission is to promote humane and orderly migration by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.
IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, be they refugees, displaced persons or other uprooted people, and then, in the four broad areas of migration management: migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and addressing forced migration. Cross-cutting activities include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants’ rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration. In addition, IOM has often organized elections for refugees out of their home country, as was the case in the 2004 Afghan elections and the 2005 Iraqi elections (wiki).