In memoriam Matei Lăzărescu la Galeria Romană

Articolul face parte din ciclul „La pas prin galeriile bucureștene”, rubrică înființată de mine și consacrată deja, din luna mai 2015, în Jurnalul Bucureștiului. Expoziția comemorativă Matei Lăzărescu la Galeria Romană, 22 septembrie - 10 octombrie 2021. Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu, Senior Editor, 19 septembrie 2021. Notă: cele 3 organe de presă pentru care scriu sunt parteneri media ai Galeriei Romană (Jurnalul Bucureştiului şi Intell News din 2016, Ultima Oră din 2019).

GALERIA ROMANĂ: Bulevardul Lascăr Catargiu nr. 1, sector 1, București

Articolul face parte din ciclul „La pas prin galeriile bucureștene”, rubrică înființată de mine și consacrată deja, din luna mai 2015, în Jurnalul Bucureştiului. Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu, Senior Editor, 19 septembrie 2021. A se vedea și : Supliment cultural, La pas prin galeriile bucurestene. Notă: cele 3 organe de presă pentru care scriu sunt parteneri media ai Galeriei Romană (Jurnalul Bucureştiului şi Intell News Romania din 2016, Ultima oră din 2019).

Pictorul Matei Lăzărescu(26.06.1948 – 01.09. 2021), membru al Grupului Prolog

Comunicat de presă

Matei Lăzărescu (26.06.1948–01.09. 2021)

Pe 01 septembrie 2021 pictorul Matei Lăzărescu, membru al Grupului Prolog, a plecat la Domnul.  În memoria sa, Galeria Romană organizează o expoziție comemorativă în care vor fi expuse atât lucrări ale artistului, cât și ale colegilor și prietenilor: Paul Gherasim, Constantin Flondor, Christian Paraschiv, Horea Paștina, Ion Grigorescu, Mihai Sârbulescu, Valentin Scărlătescu, Dan Mohanu, Viorel Grimalschi, Ștefania Grimalschi, Ruxandra Grigorescu, Maria Grigorescu, Andrei Rosetti, Constantin Ținteanu, Marius Pandele și Cristian Dițoiu.

Vernisajul va avea loc miercuri, 22 septembrie 2021, ora 19:00. Finisajul va avea loc sâmbătă, 09 octombrie 2021, ora 15:00. Bd. Lascăr Catargiu, nr 1, sector 1, București (Piața Romană). Expoziția este deschisă în perioada 22 septembrie–10 octombrie 2021. Program galerie: luni-vineri: 10:00–18:00; sâmbătă: 10:00–15:00.

Parteneri: Evenimentul Zilei, Catena pentru Artă, Senso TV, TVR 1, Jurnalul BucureştiuluiIntell News Romania, Ultima oră, Modernism, Agenția de Carte, Propagarta. A consemnat pentru Jurnalul Bucureştiului („Le Petit Parisien”): Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu, Senior Editor

Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu, Senior Editor Jurnalul Bucureștiului
Articolul precedentRevista de matematică „Sclipirea minții”. Articole și note matematice
Articolul următorEdith Piaf, sufletul străzilor pariziene.
My name is Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu and I was born in October 1967 in Bucharest. In 1998 I took the master degree at University from Bucharest , the Faculty of History- universal old history section- with theme (Constantine the Great and Christianity) at professor LIGIA BARZU. In 1991 I graduated Art School , Painting section, with TITU DRAGUTESCU. I painted sacred pictures from 1990, in technique tempera or tempera with egg on wood. In the period 2004-2016, I had the honor to have the encouragements, the advices, the friendship of the Master PAUL GHERASIM(1925-2016), my mentor, the founder of the "Prolog" group. During the period 1992-1994 I was artistic advisor at Coleus contemporary art gallery . I am titular member of the Association Branch of Religious Plastic Arts and Restoration - AFAPRR of UAP from Romania: Visual Artists’ Union from Romania from April 17, 2019, admitted by contest, as well as I was trainee member during the period 2016-2019, admitted by contest. I was member in Plastic Background(FP) belong Visual Artists’ Union from Romania(UAP) from 7th of December 2000, admitted by contest. From 25th of May 2015 I was elected Media advisor of the Steering Committee of the Association Branch of Religious Plastic Arts and Restoration : AFAPRR of UAP from Romania: Visual Artists’ Union from Romania. From 2014 I am member Visarta( from March 31, 2017, I was elected in the Steering Committee of Visarta, during the period 2017-2022), the Romanian Visual Arts Copyright Collecting Society. I had 4 Personal Exhibitions with sacred art, organized by UAP from Romania- Visual Artists’ Union from Romania, in Bucharest (2001, 2003, 2004 at ArTei Gallery, 2007 at Galateea Gallery), also another two at Silva Gallery in Busteni(2007-2008), Sabion Gallery in Bucharest(2019, together with Cristina Georgescu). I had also 2 Personal Exhibitions in Italy : I was Honor Guest, representing Romania, with sacred art, June 2003 at Pisa and in October 2006 ”The icons, sacred pictures in contemporary world” at Viadana(Mantua). I won some prizes in Italy and I participated, admitted by contest, at some art fairs and international exhibitions around the world, representing Romania: most of them in Italy(Pompeii, Pisa, Turin, Milan, Reggio Emilia, Bari, Viadana, Mantua), but also in France, Germany, Greece, Japan, Peru, South Korea, Switzerland; in secondary also I am cultural journalist: from May 2015 to January 2016 I was Contributing Editor at Culture (Fine Arts, Exhibitions, History, Religion) at the newspaper Jurnalul Bucureştiului. From 17th of January 2016 I was advanced Senior Editor at the same newspaper, which has been called since April 2020 the Jurnalul Bucureştiului ,,Le Petit Parisien”, with a different leadership and a different format. From 1st of November 2015 to 31st of December 2016 I was Contributing Editor and Thematic Advisor at News Agency Lacasuri Ortodoxe and Press service LO News. From 1st of January 2016 I am Senior Editor of the Intell News(Global news, press and event analysis) and coordinator of the Culture pages (in Romanian and English, named Intell News Romania). From May 3, 2019, I am also publisher commentator at the newspaper Ultima Oră.