Acasă Congres Internațional - Conferință Internațională In live – de la Geo Scripcariu (RadioPunctLondra): „The 17th European Conference...

In live – de la Geo Scripcariu (RadioPunctLondra): „The 17th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 38th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, International Conference Center Bucharest, Romania (September 4-9 Bucharest, 2022)”. Conexiune și aplicații la explozia turnurilor gemene ale uzinelor AZF (uzină agrochimică de „Azote Fertilisants”) de la Toulouse

The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology will be organized in Bucharest in the period 4-9 September, 2022The Romanian Association for Earthquake Engineering, with the support of Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB) and National Institute for Earth Physics (INFB), will organize with commitment and motivation the Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), in 2022 in Bucharest, Romania.

Through Bucharest 3ECEES, we are fully motivated and committed to promote the values of earthquake engineering and seismology for the benefit of human kind, to boost the European cooperation in these fields, to push the frontiers of knowledge and to equip the decision makers and building officials with the roadmap for the years to come aiming at seismic risk reduction and enhanced societal resilience. We, hereby, declare that we will do our best to make sure that the 3ECEES will be properly organized in 2022 by Romania and will be an outstanding scientific event fully adhering to the highest standards of quality set up by both EAEE and ESC. We will be delighted to welcome you all in our wonderful country!

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) is a Romanian higher education institution entirely devoted to education in civil engineering and related fields (such as building services, construction machines and equipment, environmental engineering, geodesy). In UTCB the research work is carried out by the teaching staff and by a limited number of research employees, with the involvement of postgraduate and doctoral students.

UTCB academic staff has a long-standing experience in the fields of earthquake & structural engineering and engineering seismology. UTCB was instrumental in the development and implementation of JICA Technical Cooperation Project for Seismic Risk Reduction of Buildings and Structures in Romania (2002-2008) within which the seismic risk assessment and seismic retrofitting of buildings and structures were core research topic.

UTCB is member of International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disaster (UNESCO-IPRED) established by UNESCO in close cooperation with Building Research Institute (BRI) of Japan, for collaborative research, training and education regarding seismology and earthquake engineering. The National Institute for Earth Physics (INFP) was established in 1977, as the Center for Earth Physics, and was reorganised in the present form in 1996. It is under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation. The major directions of INFP activity as delineated by the strategic plan are:

  • Monitoring seismic activity in Romania
  • Fundamental and applicative research regarding seismotectonic, seismic source, seismic tomography, engineering seismology
  • Elaboration of standards in the field of seismic zonation and microzonation of the dense populated areas
  • Site studies for critical infrastructures
  • Development of real-time seismic warning systems
  • Earthquake forecast based on geophysical and geodesic precursors
  • Implementation and valorisation of research in the benefit of society

Research infrastructure

  • Romanian Seismic Network–135 seismic stations
  • GPS/GNSS Network–31 GPS/GNSS stations

Command and data center:

  • regional multi-disciplinary observatories 2 seismic and infrasound arrays
  • participating to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) monitoring activities
  • member of the MEMFIS and INFREP networks (electromagnetic and infrasound monitoring), with sensors

Conference Program

  • 12:00-13:30/ESC Executive Committee Meeting
  • 13:00-20:00/Registration opens
  • 13:30-14:30/ESC Executive Committee & LOC meeting
  • 14:30-16:00/EAEE & ESC Executive Committees joint meeting Room: TDB
  • 18:00-20:00/Wellcome cocktail

The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES) is aiming at providing a creative and stimulating environment for sharing and tackling the most challenging topics of global importance and interest in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, such as (the list is neither exhaustive, nor restrictive):

  • Physics of earthquakes and Seismic Sources
  • Seismicity Analysis
  • Induced and Triggered Seismicity
  • Engineering Seismology and Strong Ground Motion
  • Big Data and Large Research Infrastructures
  • Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
  • Seismic Hazard
  • Site Effects and Microzonation Studies
  • Seismic Analysis and Design of Buildings and Structure
  • Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Buildings and Structures
  • Performance Based Design of Buildings and Structures
  • Seismic Design Codes
  • Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
  • Structural Health Monitoring
  • Seismic Exposure, Fragility and Risk
  • Seismic Resilience
  • Lessons from recent earthquakes

Local Organising Committee (LOC) – Romania

Radu Văcăreanu–Conference Co-Chair, Constantin Ionescu–Conference Co-Chair, Adrian Ciutină, Adrian Iordăchescu, Alexandra Scupin, Alexandru Dăescu, Alexandru Țigănescu, Altan Abdulamit, Anabella Coțovanu, Andreea Căsuță, Andreea Craiu, Angela Constantin, Aurel Stratan, Bogdan Grecu, Bogdan Ștefănescu, Carmen-Ortanza Cioflan, Cezar Vlăduț, Claudiu Sorin Dragomir, Cristian Arion, Cristian Neagoe, Dan Daniel, Dan Iancu, Dan Zamfirescu, Daniel Bîtcă, Daniel Grecea, Daniela Ghica, Dietlinde Kober, Dragoș Coțofană, Dragoș Marcu, Dragoș Tătaru, Dragoș Toma-Dănilă, Dragoș Vintilă, Elena Manea, Emil Albotă, Emil Sever Georgescu, Eugen Lozincă, Felix Borleanu, Florin Pavel, George Nica, Giorgiana Chirică, Helmuth Kober, Horațiu Popa, Iolanda Crăifăleanu, Ionuț Răcănel, Ionuț Toma, Iren Adelina Moldovan, Loretta Batali, Lucian Melinceanu, Luminița Ardeleanu, Marius Moșoarcă, Mihai Diaconescu, Mihai Iancovici, Mihai Pavel, Mihaela Alina Drăgan, Mircea Barnaure, Natalia Poiată, Nicolae Țăranu, Nicoleta Brisan, Paul Olteanu, Petru Mihai, Radu Sârghiuță, Raluca Dinescu, Ruxandra Enache, Ruxandra Erbașu, Ștefan Florin Bălan, Valeriu Stoian, Viorel Popa, Viorel Ungureanu, Zoltan Kiss

International Organising Committee (IOC)

Alain Pecker, France, Andreas Kappos, UAE/UK, Atilla Ansal, Turkey, Carlo Cauzzi, Italy, Christoph Butenweg, Germany, Ina Cecic, Slovenia, Johannes Schweitzer, Norway, Katrin Beyer, Switzerland, Kyriazis Pitilakis, Greece, Maria José Jiménez, Spain, Mauro Dolce, Italy, Myrto Pirli, Norway, Nicholas Voulgaris, Greece, Päivi Mäntyniemi, Finland, Rémy Bossu, France, Rita Bento, Portugal, Sebastiano D’amico, Malta, Stefano Parolai, Italy

International Scientific Committee (ISC)

Akkar S., Turkey, Albini P., Italy, Aldea A., Romania, Anastasopoulos I., Switzerland, Babeyko A., Germany, Bal I., The Netherlands, Barbat A., Spain, Bard P-Y., France, Bazzuro P., Italy, Bernard P., France, Bindi D., Italy, Bokelmann G., Austria, Bondar I., Hungary, Booth E., UK, Bouckovalas G., Greece, Bursi O., Italy, Callisto L., Italy, Calvi G.-M., Italy, Carvalho E., Portugal, Castro J. M., Portugal, Cattari S., Italy, Çetin K. Ö., Turkey, Chouliaras G., Greece, Chrysostomou Ch., Cyprus, Clinton J., Switzerland, Cocco M., Italy, Correia A., Portugal, Cotton F., Germany, Crowley H., Italy, Custodio S., Portugal, Danciu L., Switzerland, D’Ayala D., UK, De Stefano M., Italy, DeRoeck G., Belgium, Dimitrov D., Bulgaria, Dolšek M., Slovenia, Douglas J., UK, Dubină D., Romania, Elghazouli A., UK, Fardis M., Greece, Folic R., Serbia, Formisano A., Italy, Franchin P., Italy, Ganas A., Greece, Gazetas G., Greece, Gerya T., Switzerland, Giardini D., Switzerland, Gogus O., Turkey, Guerreiro L., Portugal, Haslinger F., Switzerland, Heidbach O., Germany, Herak M., Croatia, Iervolino I., Italy, Ilki A., Turkey, Isakovic T., Slovenia, Kassaras I., Greece, Kaynia A., Norway, Kiratzi A., Greece, Kontoe S., UK, Koulakov I., Russia, Kouteva-Guentcheva M., Bulgaria, Kovacs I., Hungary, Labbe P., FranceLagomarsino S., Italy, Lai C., Italy, Landolfo R., Italy, Lasocki S., Poland, Lignos D. Switzerland, Lorito S., Italy, Lourenço P., Portugal, Madabhushi G., UK, Manea V., Mexico/Romania, Manfredi G., Italy, Markusic S. Croatia, Matenco L., The Netherlands, Mylonakis, G. UK/UAE, Náprstek J. Czech Republicm Oth A., Luxembourg, Pampanin S., Italy, Paolucci R., Italy, Papadopoulos G., Greece, Pascal B., France, Peresan A., Italy, Pinho R., Italy, Pinto A., Italy, Popa M., Romania, Psycharis I., Greece, Radulian M., Romania, Ritter J., Germany, Riva P., Italy, Rossetto T., UK, Rupakhety R., Iceland, Safak E., Turkey, Sextos A., UK, Shanov S., Bulgaria, Silva V., Portugal, Silvestri F., Italy, Sokolov V., Russia, Solakov D., Bulgaria, Stojadinovic B., Switzerland, Strollo A, Germany, Sucuoğlu H., Turkey, Thomas M., Germany, Tinti S., Italy, Tondi R., Italy, Vamvatsikos D., Greece, Vannucci G., Italy, Varum H., Portugal, Vintzileou, E. Greece, Vrettos C., Germany, Woessner J., Switzerland, Zollo A., Italy

Advisory Committee (AC)

Armas I., Romania, Beskos D., Greece, Bălteanu D., Romania, Bisch P., France, Cloetingh S., The Netherlands, Davidovici V., Romania, Demetresu C., Romania, Diaconu D., Romania, Enescu B., Japan/Romania, Erdik M., Turkey, Faccioli E., Italy, Fajfar P., Slovenia, Fischinger, M, Slovenia, Flesch R., Austria, García-Fernández M., Spain, Garevski, M., North Macedonia, Houseman G. A., UK, Ismail-Zadeh A., Russia, Koller M., Switzerland, Lungu D., Romania, Madariaga R., France, Mazzolani F., Italy, Mărmureanu G., Romania, Mouroux P., France, Muir Wood D., UK, Oliveira C.S., Portugal, Panza G. F., Italy, Pinto P. E., Italy, Plumier A., Belgium, Savidis S., Germany, Spence R., UK, Tassios T.P., GreeceTomaževič M., Slovenia, Wiemer S., Switzerland

Notă. Prezentăm detaliat lucrarea „Small Local Earthquake Detection Using Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers: Examples in Northern and Central Italy” având ca autori pe Valeria Cascone, Jacopo Boaga și Giorgio Cassiani intervievați de către Geo Scripcariu (de la Radio Punct Londra)

Nota autorului (Redactor șef)

Cu 4 decenii în urmă, într-una dintre lucrările mele de diplomă (nivel master), consacrată seismologiei (având ca obiect studiul științific al cutremurelor de pământ, create atât de surse naturale cum sunt mișcarea plăcilor tectonice sau erupțiile vulcanice cât și de  surse artificiale cum sunt exploziile subterane, precum și al propagării undelor prin scoarța terestră) cu titlul „Modelul matematic al cutremurului de pământ produs de surse asimetrice. Aplicații ale teoriei distribuțiilor la studiul semnalelor și sistemelor liniare” am elaborat o serie de mecanisme complexe, care ulterior au fost dezvoltate în cadrul seismologiei inginerești (printre altele, având ca obiectiv și prezicerea mișcărilor seismice puternice dintr-un amplasament și studiul caracteristicilor  acestora) dar mai ales în cadrul ingineriei seismice (un domeniu interdisciplinar al ingineriei care are ca scop reducerea efectelor cutremurelor de pământ asupra construcțiilor inginerești). Aceste rezultate au fost incluse și în teza de doctorat al conducătorului meu științific Lector universitar Ștefan Lascu, dar mult mai recent, ele au fost utilizate cu succes și pentru explicarea consecințelor seismice ale exploziei turnurilor gemene ale uzinelor AZF (uzină agrochimică de „AZote Fertilisants”) pe 21 septembeie 2021, într-o zonă urbanizată în Toulouse Métropole (considerată cea mai mare catastrofă industrială din istoria Franței postbelice), considerat la început ca rezultatul unui atac terorist islamist cu explozibil, ca de altfel și prăbușirea turnurilor gemene din WTC cu numai 10 zile mai devreme (pe 11 septembrrie 2001).


Remember & In memoriam „Gemenii” (AZF) de la Toulouse. Cea mai mare catostrofă industrială postbelică franceză. Investigații jurnalistice și științifice aprofundate. Cauze posibile. În căutarea adevărului istoric. („Les jumeaux tours” de Toulouse. La plus grande catastrophe industrielle française de l’après-guerre. Les causes possibles. En quête de vérité). Corespondență din Franța (Toulouse și Paris – prof. dr. Thomas CSINTA, jurnalist de investigații criminale, atașat de presă al Poliției Capitalei și al OADO – Națiunile Unite, detașat la Curțile cu Jurați ale Tribunalelor Judiciare, atașat de presă al Poliției Capitalei și OADO – Națiunile Unite)

Nota redacției